Des Moines Postal Customer Council Membership

The Des Moines Postal Customer Council works to foster and maintain a close working relationship between mailers, mail owners, the US Postal Service and more. We offer programs that contribute to the professional growth and development of its membership and serves as a vehicle for the interchange of ideas among all industries.

Membership Form

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  • Business Information

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Next Event

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024
Holiday Event with Hypnotist Doug Thompson

DMPCC Holiday Event
Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Terrace Hill Golf Course
8700 NE 46TH AVE

$40 per person, lunch included.
(If you have dietary restrictions, please indicate this upon RSVP’ing. )

Non RSVP Walk-ins will be $60.

Register and pay by PayPal below:

Company, Attendee Name
e-mail address